
Global Efforts

Companies recognized these problems and began their corporate social responsibility actions. They have taken the lead in environmental protection activities through “ESG management.” The UN Environment Program has recognized that the use of petroleum-based plastics is socially and economically unavoidable right now, but that biodegradation/composting of plastics cannot be the ultimate solution to environmental problems. For this reason, the UNEP has been established a step-by-step roadmap for this purpose.

What is ESG management? A company takes the lead in environmental protection, engages in social contribution activities including supporting the socially disadvantaged and creating a workplace culture where men and women are equal, and practices ESG management including ethical management that strictly complies with laws and ethics

Global Efforts

Companies recognized these problems and began their corporate social responsibility actions. They have taken the lead in environmental protection activities through “ESG management.” The UN Environment Program has recognized that the use of petroleum-based plastics is socially and economically unavoidable right now, but that biodegradation/composting of plastics cannot be the ultimate solution to environmental problems. For this reason, the UNEP has been established a step-by-step roadmap for this purpose.

What is ESG management? A company takes the lead in environmental protection, engages in social contribution activities including supporting the socially disadvantaged and creating a workplace culture where men and women are equal, and practices ESG management including ethical management that strictly complies with laws and ethics

What is ESG management? A company takes the lead in environmental protection, engages in social contribution activities including supporting the socially disadvantaged and creating a workplace culture where men and women are equal, and practices ESG management including ethical management that strictly complies with laws and ethics